- codeyogi.dev JSON comparator will compare the 2 JSONs files and then, the Unavailability or the difference of properties/ fields in two JSON files will be highlighted with below listed color scheme.
--> Value unavailable in the other JSON File
--> Property/ Field type and value, both are different in 2 JSON Files
--> Property/ Field type is the Same, but the value is different in 2 JSON Files
--> Property/ Field type is the different, but the value is the same in 2 JSON Files
*** Please note above color scheme granularity will be available only for fields/ properties of JSON objects without arrays. For sub objects/ fields/ properties within an array " --> Value unavailable in the other JSON File" will be applicable ***
- This JSON comparator takes into consideration both contents and values; meaning it will detect whether particular field/property availabilioty and also if it is difference of that field/property in 2 JSON Files.
- codeyogi.dev JSON comparator can detect differences in JSON arrays as well; when JSON files Arrays of values or Arrays of Objects, differences and unavailabilities will be detected and highlighted with appropriate colors
- However when there are arrays involed in the JSON objects, JSON compare may act dumb. But JSON compare will highlight Unavailability or differences in arrays as well.
- Find Deferences between two JSON Files or Two JSON Payloads
- Find Missing fields/ properties of a JSON File/ Payload compared to another
- Understand fields/ properties type changes of a JSON File/ Payload compared to another